Tuesday, 28 June 2011

today I'm listening to

baby you're beautiful

Days like today make me smile. It all started off with some summer sunshine, meaning that for the first time all year I could wear a skirt and no tights. A few texts later; me and the girls were off for a picnic. Finishing our day later with a movie, candles and good chat. I've even got a bit of sun burn, what a perfect day. 

my nephew taunting me with his baby converses

we sat amongst the flowers

my medicine

if only we were the same shoe size

beautiful day

Monday, 27 June 2011

Saturday, 25 June 2011

20, nearly an adult.

Do you remember your childhood longing towards finally being a "grown up". For me the word adult was combined with, beauty, confidence, popularity along with many more wonderful and at that time entirely achievable desires. I was sure that when the time came I would feel responsible and sure of myself. If I'm honest with myself, I feel none of these personality traits, and I'm still looking forward, wondering when and if I will ever be ready and mature enough to fill my childhood definition of adult. Yes, I may not feel entirely sure of myself yet, however, I do feel sure of the friendships I've made and lessons I've learnt along the way. My life is by no means perfect, but I enjoy it and love the people I spend it with, and if you would like, I can share some of it with you. Which brings us to the celebration of me becoming one year older, and not at all wiser. It was a tame night, but tame can be fun, when it's spent with your nearest and dearest. So don't laugh when I tell you this, okay? Home made pizza and tribal pursuit. And yes I won (my friends let me).
see upcoming post for recipe